I have been doing this work for over two decades. Although I have always been motivated by improving the lives of others, this became so very "real" in 2005, when my wife and mother to our 1 yr old son was diagnosed with a life-threatening brain bleed. My passion for educating and helping people through conscious financial planning came into a rather abrupt reality as our young family's financial security was realized through the very strategies I had been recommending to my clients. Interestingly enough, the first policy claim I delivered was to my wife. Since those early years, my desire to educate and "do right" by others is coming from this place of lived experience, and as difficult as those time were, it has brought clarity and increased purpose to my work.
Although we still have deep prairie roots, we have made Kelowna our home. I enjoy my work but feel most "at home" when I'm connected with the outdoors, mountain biking, snowboarding, hiking, and anything at the lake. I have a deep appreciation for the variety of life experiences in the people I serve. I see life as an adventure, and an ongoing opportunity to be curious.